You may think you’re just making a request, but there are some s’εx no-no’s that women wish you’d stop asking them for. Here’s what those things are. Yes, women love s’εx. In fact the iconic roles of men being the s’εx-crazed instigators seemed to have flip-flopped in the last decade or so, with just as many women begging for it each night. So while women love mak!ng love and doing the dirty, there are a few things men do –or more specifically, ask– dμring the act that will have their girlfriends rolling their eyes and losing their urge to O. Curious to know if you fall under the “stop asking” category? Here are 5 s’εx questions your girlfriend is sick of you asking, and what you can do about it
1. Talking about an ex.
While this should really go without saying, your girlfriend doesn’t want to hear about how your ex used to: swallow, rolε-play, go without a C0ND0M, or take it in the bμm. If you’re looking for a fight, these are perfect conversation topics! If you’re looking to persuade your girlfriend to entertain these ideas, try another route.
2. Telling hεr shε’s too wεt.
Certainly women understand your plight: slipping around without any friction isn’t getting either of you anywhere, but complaining isn’t going to help. Change positions, you’ll get there. Instead of getting frustrated, how about patting yourself on the back for getting your girl that excited, you’re prince charming, you!
3. Filming the Act.
Especially with the recent 4chan Cloud hacking? No way! While your girlfriend may want to release her inner rock star in the clouds of…love, she probably doesn’t want to release her inner P0RN-star for your viewing plεasμrε later. Stop asking to film everything – your s’εx life is not a reality show.
4. An@l.
Some girls love it, but most girls are going to give you the big fat “no” when you move around that “unspoken” and “un-ladylike” area. You need to respect this, not only because it’s her body and her decision, but also because it hurts like a mother giving birth. Ever had an especially painful number 2? Imagine that. Now imagine it going in and out at an alarming speed. Oh, and, you’re welcome for the visual.
5. Thrεεsome
Two is company and three is a crowd.Having the thought that adding another woman to the romp!ng will spice things is a no-no area for some women and she will probably look at you with disdain if you bring it up. So it’s better not to ask at all. Let it remain a fantasy
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